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8 Apr 2022
Knopflerfish 6.1.5 released - bug fixes & enhancements

Knopflerfish 6.1.5 is released and includes several minor enhancements and bug fixes

The new features in Knopflerfish 6.1.5 include:

Component (SCR) 6.0.7

Improved fixed for issue #53, ConcurrentModificationException in SCR service listener.

3 Jul 2020
Knopflerfish 6.1.4 released - bug fixes & enhancements

Knopflerfish 6.1.4 is released and includes several minor enhancements and bug fixes

The new features in Knopflerfish 6.1.4 include:

Framework 8.0.11

Return null from WovenClass.bundleWiring() for uninstalled bundles.

Fixed issue #49. Use systemUrlStreamHandlerFactory if it was already initialized from Main.

Component (SCR) 6.0.6

Fixed issue #53, Fix ConcurrentModificationException in SCR service listener. Component (SCR)

Fixed issue #46, Handle updated service ranking on active services.

Fixed issue #43, Removed faulty circular component errors when using target filters.

The Release Notes includes the complete list of features and fixes.

29 Apr 2019
Knopflerfish runs without any issues with JDK 12, build issues detected and corrected in develop branch.

Knopflerfish runs without and issues detected so far on JDK 12. A set of build issues with JDK 12 have been detected and fixes have been applied in the develop branch to enable building with JDK 12. Please note that the master branch does currently only support building with JDK 8, 7 or 6.

11 Mar 2019
Knopflerfish 6.1.3 released - bug fixes & enhancements

Knopflerfish 6.1.3 is released and includes several minor enhancements and bug fixes

The new features in Knopflerfish 6.1.3 include:

Framework 8.0.9

Corrected issues in weaving hooks handling, causing potential deadlock

Corrected issue in getResource().

The Release Notes includes the complete list of features and fixes.

15 Nov 2018
OSGi R7 branch for Knopferfish 7

Work is underway for Knopferfish 7, the next major version of KF, and implemented according to the OSGi R7 specifications. KF7 is not ready for any beta or pre relases yet, but it builds and starts. The KF7 work is available in the kf_r7 branch at github.

The Knopflerfish 7 overview page contain more info on what has been updated in R7 and what is implemented as of now.

8 Nov 2018
Support for building with JDK 11 has been added in develop branch

Fixes have been made in the develop branch to enable building KF with JDK 11. The next minor relase of KF6 will be fully supporting JDK 11.

7 Nov 2017
Knopflerfish 6.1.2 released - bug fixes & enhancements

Knopflerfish 6.1.2 is released and includes several minor enhancements and bug fixes

The new features in Knopflerfish 6.1.2 include:

Framework 8.0.6

Corrected issue#40, solving a potential deadlock in dynamic import.

The Release Notes includes the complete list of features and fixes.

26 Sep 2017
Develop branch builds with JDK9

Several fixes have been made to support building KF6 with JDK9 and the develop branch now supports JDK9. A new KF6 release can be expected in the coming weeks.

8 Sep 2017
Eclipse Plugin 1.2.3 released

The Knopflerfish Eclispe Plugin 1.2.3 has been released and is available from the Eclipse Update site:

22 Aug 2017
Knopflerfish 6.1.1 released - bug fixes & enhancements

Knopflerfish 6.1.1 is released and includes several minor enhancements and bug fixes

The new features in Knopflerfish 6.1.1 include:

Framework 8.0.5

Corrected issue#23 related to filtering of service listeners.

The Release Notes includes the complete list of features and fixes.

8 Feb 2017
Knopflerfish 6.1 released - bug fixes & enhancements

Knopflerfish 6.1 is released and includes several minor enhancements and bug fixes

The new features in Knopflerfish 6.1 include:

Framework 8.0.4

Several bug fixes in the Knopflerfish OSGi framework including fixes for Java 9.

Component (SCR) 6.0.3

Several issues corrected, including fixes for factory configuration and faulty re-register during deactivation of delayed components.

HTTP 5.2.1

Servlet.setContentType now resets the content type to default value. Same behaviour as jetty.

Log 6.0.0

Bundle Symbolic Name is changed to org.knopflerfish.bundle.log to follow the naming convention for Knopflerfish bundles.

Maven group id change

The maven group id of all Knopflerfish artifacts has been changed to include the Knopflerfish major version, e.g. org.knopflerfish.kf6

The Release Notes includes the complete list of features and fixes.

7 Feb 2017
Knopflerfish web site moves to its own server
Knopflerfish web site changes

The Knopflerfish web site was moved today from to its own site. The main reasons for the change are: more space for releases and repositories, browsable file structure and support for soft links. DNS has been updated and files migrated. Please let us know if anything is broken or missing.

All source code, including the sources to build this web site will remain on github.

21 Oct 2016
Knopflerfish 6 is released - new major version - OSGi R6 supported
Knopflerfish 6.0.0

Knopflerfish 6 is the next major release of Knopflerfish, the leading commercially supported open source OSGi Service Platform for embedded use. KF 6 is designed to be compliant with the OSGi Release 6 specifications.

Key features in Knopflerfish 6 are:
  • Knopflerfish OSGi framework updated to OSGi R6
  • Knopflerfish OSGi Compendium Services updated to OSGi R6
  • All Knopflerfish bundles, e.g. desktop, console commands etc have been updated to use and reflect the new R6 APIs.
  • Stability issues corrected in the Knopflerfish OSGi framework as well as Knopflerfish bundles

The Release Notes includes the complete list of features and fixes.

The KF6 overview page presents an overview of OSGi R6 and what features are supported in Knopflerfish 6.

20 Oct 2016
Knopflerfish 5.2.1 is released, Knopflerfish 6 / OSGi R6 is coming soon!

Knopflerfish 5.2.1 is a maintenance & bug fix release of Knopflerfish 5 / OSGi R5, collecting all bug fixes made on the Knopflerfish master branch since KF 5.2.0 was released. This release marks the end of KF5 as the main development branch. The Knopflerfish release 6 is coming soon and concurrent with the KF6 release the Knopflerfish git master branch will be switched to KF6 / OSGi R6.

Stay tuned for more exciting news on Knopflerfish 6 in the next days.

The Release Notes includes the complete list of features and fixes.

1 Jul 2016
First beta version of Knopflerfish 6 released
Knopflerfish 6 beta

Knopflerfish 6.0.0.beta-160701 is the first beta release of KF6, the next coming major release of Knopflerfish designed to be compliant with the OSGi R6 specifications.

With this beta release KF 6 is feature complete and all OSGi R6 parts included in Knopflerfish are in place.

Major change since the last alpha are:

  • Support for security in Weaving Hooks (R6)
  • Bug fixes in CM
  • Metatype is now fully R6
  • Documentation updates
  • Several minor bug fixes

8 Jun 2016
Second Knopflerfish 6 alpha version released, KF moves to OSGi R6
Knopflerfish 6 alpha

Knopflerfish 6.0.0.alpha-1606080918 is the second alfa release of KF6, the next coming major release of Knopflerfish. KF6 is designed to be compliant with the OSGi R6 specifications.

Major change since the last alpha is full support for all the new features in Declarative Services (component bundle).

Most of OSGi R6 Core is already in place and large parts of the compendium services as well. The KF6 overview page presents an overview of KF / OSGi R6 and the current status for every service specification.

Please note that this is an alpha release of KF6. Several additional changes are planned regarding functionality, documentation and packaging.

27 Apr 2016
First Knopflerfish 6 alpha version released, KF moves to OSGi R6
Knopflerfish 6 alpha

Knopflerfish 6.0.0.alpha-1604271447 is the first alfa release of KF6, the next coming major release of Knopflerfish. KF6 is designed to be compliant with the OSGi R6 specifications.

Most of OSGi R6 Core is already in place and large parts of the compendium services as well. The KF6 overview page presents an overview of KF / OSGi R6 and the current status for every service specification.

Please note that this is the first alpha release of KF6. Several additional changes are planned regarding functionality, documentation and packaging.

26 Apr 2016
Maintenance artifacts now also available in jCenter and Knopflerfish's own maven2 repo

All bundles released as maintenance releases since the Knopflerfish SDK version 5.2.0 was announced, are now also available as artifacts in jCenter as well as Knopflerfish's own maven2 repo. This update will make the maintenance releases of the Knopflerfish OSGi bundles more easily available.

8 Apr 2016
Knopflerfish artifacts now available in jCenter

We are happy to announce that all Knopflerfish artifacts included in a Knopflerfish SDK release are now also available in jCenter.

This is essentially a mirror of the maven2 repository hosted at but more conveniently available for maven and gradle users.

More info on the different Knopflerfish maven repositories.

28 Mar 2016
Maintenance release CM bundle 5.0.2
cm 5.0.2

Fixed race condition that could cause a NullPointerException

3 Mar 2016
Website fixes

Several broken links have been corrected and links to the bundle repository a maven2 repositories should be working again.

23 Dec 2015
Knopflerfish moved to GitHub
Hello GitHub

All source code repositories and web pages for Knopflerfish has moved to GitHub. Most web pages has been updated, but some Knopflerfish documentation still refers to the old subversion repository. The result of the nightly builds aren't published yet.

23 Dec 2015
Knopflerfish mailing lists closing down

As part of the GitHub move we will close down the Knopflerfish mailing lists.

04 Nov 2015
Maintenance release Knopflerfish framework 7.2.2
framework 7.2.2

Corrected issue where the resolver under certain conditions could go into an infinite loop when a bundle wasn't resolvable.

23 Sep 2015
Maintenance release HTTP server bundle 5.1.2
http 5.1.2

Removed debug printout that incorrectly indicated a NPE problem.

HttpServletResponse.getLocale() incorrectly returned null if no locale had been set. Corrected to return the default locale.

11 Sep 2015
Maintenance release for better Android support of OSGi Framework and Http Client Connector
framework 7.2.1

Some packages from org.apache.commons added as exported by default

Property org.knopflerfish.framework.is_doublechecked_locking_safe set to true on Android by default.

Http Client Connector 3.1.3.kf5-001

Bundle repackaged to avoid class loader problems on Android

18 Aug 2015
Maintenance release HTTP server bundle 5.1.1
http 5.1.1

Corrected issues in the HttpServletRequest class. Some methods caused NPE or gave incorrect results during the second GET call in a Keep-Alive connection. Methods affected: getLocalAddr(), getLocalName(), getRemteAddr(), getRemoteHost(), getLocalPort(), getRemotePort().

10 Jul 2015
Knopflerfish 5.2 released, new minor release of KF5
Knopflerfish 5.2.0

Knopflerfish 5.2 is released and includes several minor enhancements as well as all bug fixes made since KF 5.1 was released.

The new key features in Knopflerfish 5.2 are:
  • Bug fixes in the Knopflerfish OSGi framework: fixed NPR during package resolve, correcting native code checking when attaching a fragment, and corrections related to start level handling.
  • Improved support for handling Android DEX files
  • ART (Android runtime), the Dalvik predecessor, is now fully supported
  • The Knopflerfish embedded HTTP server has been optimized to use less resources (threads & memory)
  • The HTTP also has the following new features:
    • Chunked transfer encoding responses
    • Automatic content compression for selected content types
    • Correct handling of certain HTTP/1.1 request and response headers
  • Improvements to the build system to better support Android / OSGi DEX bundles.

The Release Notes include the complete list of features and fixes.

29 Mar 2015
Maintenance release Knopflerfish framework 7.1.4
framework 7.1.4

Corrected issue with NPE during package resolving or package requiring.

26 Sep 2014
HTTP server bundle 5.0 released
http 5.0.0

  • Improved the configuration handling the first time a CM configuration is received to avoid unnecessary reconfigurations of the built-in default settings. This could lead to a server socket close followed by new listen on the same port.
  • CM meta-data is updated to include previously undocumented configuration parameters.

30 Jun 2014
Maintenance release Knopflerfish framework 7.1.3
framework 7.1.3

  • Fixed native code checking before we attach fragment.
  • Changed behaviour start-up of start-level service, so that it always goes to the beginning start-level instead of last active start-level from previous run. This to comply with the OSGi Core specification.
  • Limit removed on number of queued start-level operations (was 100).

13 Jun 2014
Knopflerfish 5.1 released, new minor release of KF5
Knopflerfish 5.1.0

Knopflerfish 5.1 is released and includes several minor enhancements as well as all bug fixes made since KF 5.0 was released. The 5.1 release also includes fixed related to Java 8 and Knopflerfish 5.1 passes all tests on Java 7 and 8 as well as older Java versions, and embedded Java profiles.

The new key features in Knopflerfish 5.1 are:
  • Support for starting from a single jar that includes all jars, xargs and property files needed to start the entire system
  • Knopflerfish framework can now be executed in read only mode, i.e. no files are written by the framework. This assumes bundles are installed as reference file URLs.
  • UserAdmin is completely self-contained, i.e. no dependencies on KF specific bundles
  • CM's persistent storage has been made more robust and fault resilient
  • HTTP Server now handles chunked transfer encoding correctly
  • Minor fixes in SCR
  • Repository Commands supports -r flag which recursively finds and installs dependencies.

The Release Notes includes the complete list of features and fixes.

14 Apr 2014
Maintenance release CM Desktop 5.0.2, KF-XML Metatype 5.0.2
CM Desktop 5.0.2

Added requirement for Meta Type service

KF-XML-Metatype 5.0.2

Changed to only build all version. This makes it possible to correctly install CM-Desktop using the Repository Desktop with the Felix resolver.

19 Mar 2014
Minor release UserAdmin
UserAdmin 4.1.0

UserAdmin bundle now contains and imports/exports org.knopflerfish.service.log in order to be self-contained.

25 Feb 2014
Maintenance release Metatype
Metatype 5.0.1

Corrects issue in handling of designate-element that could cause configurations to be created, deleted or overwritten unintentionally.

20 Feb 2014
Maintenance release SRC / Declarative Services
SCR 5.0.3

Corrects issue with missing factory component check

17 Feb 2014
Maintenance release CM
CM 5.0.1

The persistent storage of CM data has been improved to be more robust and fault resilient.

5 Feb 2014
Maintenance release HTTP server bundle
HTTP 4.0.5

Corrected issues in the handling of chunked transfer encoding which could cause problems when transferring binary data.

29 Jan 2014
Maintenance release of Repository Desktop
Repository Desktop 1.1.1

When installing from a Repository and using a Resolver the confirmation pop-up dialogue will now list the additional dependencies that will be installed in order to resolve.

22 Jan 2014
Maintenance release of Knopflerfish OSGi framework
framework 7.0.2

Corrected issue that caused IndexOutOfBoundsException when updating large collections of ConditionalPermissionInfos using ConditionalPermissionUpdate.